I’ve just found this new different type of content management system in that you connect it to your already built html website, you just type a new bit of code in the editable area you want and you get the options of changing that text or images in Surreal CMS. You don’t actually upload or install this on your own server and MySQL database, you just navigate to the Surreal CMS website itself. You have to make an account with them and connect your website to that account with the FTP details that you use for uploading your website.
I have even connected my own website to this service, which is what it really is. This CMS is really simple to use and even has the option of just adding editors with restricted access, so this would be a great way for the client so that they would not change anything major on the website. This looks a great way for editing but doesnt really have a good and easy way for generating new pages, it does have a clone page option but thats not really the best way to do things.
Click images to enlarge.